“Go to the world and mulitiply.”
Marifel is a compassionate, intuitive and hardworking mother of 3 well-educated young ladies. To charge her batteries, Marifel is often found dancing to lively rhythms and singing to Garry Valenciano or playing cards. And nothing enhances her apetite more than a humba followed by a refreshing coke.
She is a very friendly and lively person. And so she’s often found in company of very different people. Marifel is selfless and always willing to help others, without hoping to get anything back.
Being with Kalachuchi Beach Resort since 2015, Marifel applies her skills in housekeeping as well as in the kitchen and restaurant area. Helping out as a waitress, is another way for her to improve her understanding of english little by little.
Favorite Place in Siquijor: Taculing, Larena.